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Foundation for Asian Arts


The aim of the Foundation for Asian Arts is to promote a deeper understanding of Asian cultures through collection, scholarships and knowledge sharing, to present the oeuvre of Hungarian researchers dealing with Asian arts and to expand the range of educational programs related to the field of Eastern civilizations.


The Founder, Ferenc Kató Szegő Lányi (1920-2022), was a generous patron of the Hopp Ferenc Museum of Asiatic Arts. In her will, she established our Foundation for the research of Asian arts. One of her goals was the preservation of the memory of Tibor Horváth (1910-1972), archaeologist, orientalist, former director of the Hopp Ferenc Museum of Asiatic Art.


Our foundation preserves the memory of archaeologist and orientalist Tibor Horváth. With research programs, fieldwork and the establishment of art scholarships, we help to collect the values ​​found in the Asian tradition and to increase the national public collections. We create digital teaching materials in order to expand the range of educational programs. By organizing scientific lectures, we try to contribute to better understanding of Asian culture.


Research and fieldwork in Asian countries

The Foundation supports the field and research work of specialists, researchers and artists who collect last-minute treasures of the Asian tradition in Asian countries. In 2024, one Chinese and one Korean project work can start, the results of which will be reported as soon as possible.

Collecting Asian Fairy Tale Treasures

We are working on collecting and compiling a bibliography of national publications of Asian folk tales to help readers easily find these written treasures. Among our goals is the (re)publication of selected Chinese, Japanese and Korean folk tales.

Introducing the Asian visual language

According to our experience, in public education institutions, students encounter Asian arts in a small number of classes.
Our foundation develops its educational materials with the intention of reaching the widest possible range of primary and secondary school and higher education students. We hope that the educational digital content that appears in our library of Eastern symbols will be of use to the younger generation.


​Our researchers set off to follow in the footsteps of famous Hungarian travelers and travel the roads of China and Korea to capture the everyday and festive moments of Asian culture that can be found today. Their documentary photos will increase the digital collection of our Foundation.


In 1958, Tibor Horváth published his study on tea art under the title Chadō to Chajin The Tea Ceremony and Tea Masters (pages 223-239) in the journal Acta Historiae Artium: Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae. A copy of the Hungarian typescript of his study published in English is kept in the Hopp Museum's Data Archive (HFA_A.3604.3.) as well as in the Hopp Museum's Library, labeled Fü 940 (7076). According to our current knowledge, he was the first tea master of Hungarian origin who was able to study at the Kyoto school of the Mushanokojisenke branch of the Japanese tea school established in the 16th century by the founding grand master Sen Rikyu (1522-1591). 


Foundation for Asian Arts

Address: 2092 Budakeszi, Erkel u. 6. f/1.

Tax number: 18524064-1-13

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